Chris Straka

1-587-800-5590 blog github


Full stack web developer with experience in the JavaScript ecosystem. Open to relocation, with current work authorization for Canada and the EU/EFTA.

Technical Skills

HTML, CSS, SCSS, ES6 JS, TS, React, Node, SQL, Shell, Docker, Java


  • Language Learning App (in development)

    Currently building a spring boot REST API written in Java that uses a servlet architecture. The API uses session-based authentication and spring security for things like CSRF protection. It uses PostgreSQL for persistent storage and Redis for sessions and caching. Services are bundled in docker and tested with integration tests. The code follows a layered architecture (controllers, services, repositories) and other best practices.

  • Bug Tracker (in development)

    Also working on an express REST API written in TS. Development is done under a TDD approach with linting. The app uses RBAC with routes for controlling tickets and projects.

  • Pethreon (Github)

    Built a decentralized crowdfunding application on Ethereum using solidity, ethers.js, hardhat, typescript, framer-motion and react. Currently deployed to the Goerli test network.

  • Dark Session Manager (Github)

    Implemented native chrome APIs to build a browser extension that manages user tabs and sessions. It is built using native web components (shadow DOM, custom elements, etc) as well as CSS grid.

  • Personal Blog Website (Github)

    Created a personal blog website using popular JAMStack technologies and related concepts such as Astro, MDX, and SSG. Also uses Preact and Sass, and is currently deployed to Netlify.

  • Snippet Extension Packs (JS) (Ruby)

    Published snippet extension packs for Javascript and Ruby that have a combined 26,000 installs on the visual studio marketplace

Additional Skills

  • Scripting (Node) (Powershell) (Node)

    Made several scripts to improve overall workflow and file management using shell, powershell and node. Scripts in Node were made under a TDD through the use of Jest and Eslint.

  • Linux/Vim

    Experienced in all major operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux [Arch, Ubuntu]). Also experiences in Vim/Neovim.


  • Georgia Institute of Technology

    Master of Science in Computer Science, 2024 - 2027

    Computation Specialization (online, part-time)

  • Western Governors University

    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, 2024

  • University of Calgary

    Bachelor of Arts in Economics, 2018

  • Google Cloud Provider

    Professional Cloud Developer, 2023 (Proof)

  • LPI Linux Foundations, 2023

    ITIL v4 Foundations, 2023